This example shows how the tag helper can be used to create a list of items with paging using HTMX for SPA-like behaviour.
Id | Name | Address | City | Country | Phone | |
81 | Chet Bayer | 333 Kilback Circles | Swiftfort | Pakistan | [email protected] | (228) 582-0120 |
82 | Julia Murray | 408 Sawayn Courts | Howeview | Finland | [email protected] | 1-212-916-8412 x6010 |
83 | Judd Cronin | 8291 Rippin Route | New Maureen | Madagascar | [email protected] | (945) 297-2718 |
84 | Samantha Lemke | 9813 Huel View | Justinestad | Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands | [email protected] | 268.502.2535 x35554 |
85 | Benny Simonis | 4909 Marques Roads | North Marcelle | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | [email protected] | 637-208-6932 |
86 | Magali Runolfsdottir | 0143 Parisian Centers | Howehaven | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | [email protected] | (575) 371-1653 |
87 | Al Wilkinson | 16463 Alden Terrace | Deanburgh | Virgin Islands, U.S. | [email protected] | 206-877-8067 x9183 |
88 | Fred McClure | 0381 Bryce Ford | West Josiebury | Fiji | [email protected] | 543.804.3879 x5658 |
89 | Margret Tillman | 395 Grant Lights | Marielastad | Bolivia | [email protected] | 728-996-4736 x3706 |
90 | Marlene Stanton | 682 Lebsack Pike | Caitlynville | Slovenia | [email protected] | (605) 877-9252 x264 |