
This example shows how the tag helper can be used to create a list of items with paging using HTMX for SPA-like behaviour.

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Page 8 of 26 (Total items: 256)
Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
71 Ludwig Turner 203 Eunice Rapid Estherhaven Serbia [email protected] 543-388-9989 x714
72 Marie Bergnaum 13333 Ruecker Alley West Kendall Kyrgyz Republic [email protected] 542-817-6631 x195
73 Jeramie Cassin 7957 Gwen Neck Henryville Chile [email protected] (536) 920-2995 x9377
74 Keon Schroeder 59619 Anastasia Pass Ruthstad Fiji [email protected] 839.874.3364 x23939
75 Dora Padberg 358 Kemmer Dam Lolaland Algeria [email protected] 751-941-2062
76 Tremaine Mann 65529 Grimes Manor New Tabithafurt Iceland [email protected] 459-967-9600 x47589
77 Wiley Greenfelder 9090 Erling Pass Chadrickchester French Polynesia [email protected] 1-579-668-5584 x359
78 Rashawn Hoppe 60168 Thaddeus Drives South Meda Mauritania [email protected] 568.802.6989 x194
79 Nikolas Klocko 35270 Huels Crossroad West Noreneborough Peru [email protected] 838-732-2370 x929
80 Sean Schmidt 07499 Borer Port South Rosalee Montserrat [email protected] 339-488-6561 x2759