This example shows how the tag helper can be used to create a list of items with paging using HTMX for SPA-like behaviour.
Id | Name | Address | City | Country | Phone | |
61 | Maurine Larson | 76196 Kaela Route | Guiseppeborough | French Polynesia | [email protected] | (214) 763-1486 x03430 |
62 | Kamryn Corwin | 68328 Laurie Way | Port Gordon | Suriname | [email protected] | 1-586-288-3237 x9479 |
63 | Brandon Stoltenberg | 110 Emelia Parkways | Mannstad | Cayman Islands | [email protected] | 642-365-9929 x409 |
64 | Stephon Gutmann | 531 Katherine Burgs | Port Blairhaven | Switzerland | [email protected] | (267) 640-8396 x506 |
65 | Duncan Stracke | 919 Clarabelle Walk | East Coralie | Pakistan | [email protected] | 922-651-9301 |
66 | Adriel Steuber | 662 Minnie Skyway | Lake Nameville | France | [email protected] | (680) 474-9370 x14644 |
67 | Eleanora Bergstrom | 733 Keshaun Plains | East Helgaville | Jamaica | [email protected] | 859.474.5003 |
68 | Jazmyne Lubowitz | 95628 Gislason Mountain | Boyerton | Honduras | [email protected] | (550) 504-3636 |
69 | Ines Ruecker | 196 Braden Heights | New Christop | Martinique | [email protected] | (243) 928-7174 |
70 | Christophe Price | 6725 Kilback Street | West Ethaberg | Zimbabwe | [email protected] | (956) 201-6582 x08936 |