This example shows how the tag helper can be used to create a list of items with paging using HTMX for SPA-like behaviour.
Id | Name | Address | City | Country | Phone | |
41 | Kellen Langosh | 93083 Abbott Brooks | East Mattie | Seychelles | [email protected] | 509.615.9699 x23447 |
42 | Candelario Kautzer | 762 Stephan Springs | Ernsermouth | American Samoa | [email protected] | 856.258.4358 |
43 | Mina O'Reilly | 335 Franecki Underpass | West Favianhaven | Eritrea | [email protected] | 1-928-786-9714 x97692 |
44 | Nina Trantow | 9698 Kerluke Extensions | South Erafurt | Lao People's Democratic Republic | [email protected] | (931) 797-6327 x5692 |
45 | Emerson Lebsack | 80441 Virgil Hollow | Richardton | Colombia | [email protected] | 938.568.5996 |
46 | Ivah Blick | 83293 Horace Glen | Port Darienfort | Mozambique | [email protected] | 710.547.7531 x39699 |
47 | Cathy Berge | 4654 Raegan Coves | Brendenmouth | Luxembourg | [email protected] | (492) 717-0705 x300 |
48 | Judy Pouros | 172 Turcotte Forks | Lake Dixieville | Wallis and Futuna | [email protected] | 1-950-362-6510 x5796 |
49 | Camilla Rowe | 8912 Purdy Viaduct | West Adonis | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | [email protected] | 746-396-7668 |
50 | Kenton Kunze | 8668 Britney River | Salvatoreview | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | [email protected] | (353) 458-5294 |