
This example shows how the tag helper can be used to create a list of items with paging using HTMX for SPA-like behaviour.

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Page 24 of 26 (Total items: 256)
Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
231 Pietro Mayer 71136 Nader Center Darwinstad Italy [email protected] 279.594.3062
232 Frederique Parisian 73286 Annetta Gateway Lake Rebekaborough Myanmar [email protected] (648) 700-6229 x830
233 Idell Anderson 79071 Aufderhar Camp Port Dayna Turks and Caicos Islands [email protected] 843-490-1405 x938
234 Pansy Kub 19931 King Walks East Winfieldmouth El Salvador [email protected] 991-669-4508 x57750
235 Aleen Thompson 2790 Geo Mission Edwinatown Seychelles [email protected] 630.459.6468 x963
236 Delphia Hegmann 3256 Jacobs Island New Budmouth New Zealand [email protected] 1-256-329-7561 x62637
237 Salvador Streich 008 Delores Turnpike Dareland Azerbaijan [email protected] 1-457-655-1201
238 Owen Heaney 8037 Christina Lakes Eliasshire French Polynesia [email protected] 814-831-1938 x8165
239 Clifford Trantow 1913 Francesca Ville O'Connellton Saint Vincent and the Grenadines [email protected] (590) 376-6327 x00972
240 Chad Jakubowski 194 Madeline Views West Carletonburgh Saudi Arabia [email protected] (698) 515-7499 x1759