This example shows how the tag helper can be used to create a list of items with paging using HTMX for SPA-like behaviour.
Id | Name | Address | City | Country | Phone | |
201 | Hallie Brekke | 677 Briana Viaduct | West Brett | Panama | [email protected] | 355-897-9016 x004 |
202 | Susana Welch | 871 Ullrich Bridge | Port Mabelville | Brunei Darussalam | [email protected] | 1-365-794-6007 x6018 |
203 | Braulio Weissnat | 220 Angie Gateway | Rosemarystad | Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | [email protected] | 899.225.3690 x694 |
204 | Deborah Mante | 742 Kunde Shoals | Lake Parker | Fiji | [email protected] | (824) 299-1723 |
205 | Anastacio Bogisich | 5185 Greenfelder Port | Wizaview | Peru | [email protected] | 787.219.8416 |
206 | Easton Nienow | 4367 Madison Haven | Haagberg | Costa Rica | [email protected] | 1-246-539-0620 |
207 | Nedra Maggio | 45211 Maximilian Rest | Joeyfort | Haiti | [email protected] | (685) 525-5634 |
208 | Karine D'Amore | 298 Violette Rapid | Frankieborough | Macedonia | [email protected] | (473) 635-3143 x628 |
209 | Arturo Yost | 4168 Miller Rapids | North Chynatown | Sudan | [email protected] | (498) 495-9046 |
210 | Houston Schroeder | 06188 Jerde Flat | Lupetown | Netherlands Antilles | [email protected] | (539) 220-9073 x5373 |