
This example shows how the tag helper can be used to create a list of items with paging using HTMX for SPA-like behaviour.

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Page 18 of 26 (Total items: 256)
Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
171 Gerry Rohan 0065 Wehner Radial Keelybury Sao Tome and Principe [email protected] 307-308-6657
172 Marquise Bechtelar 12384 Pierce Cape North Clareborough Kenya [email protected] 870.359.4776
173 Erling Kuhic 989 Anibal Shores Emilieshire Grenada [email protected] (272) 775-8141
174 Anastasia Becker 33812 Abshire Route Elnaberg Thailand [email protected] 1-579-860-2863 x74059
175 Chloe Trantow 0620 Sauer Pike Lake Lonniemouth French Southern Territories [email protected] (919) 671-2422 x4396
176 Kariane Swift 733 Louvenia Centers East Tanner French Guiana [email protected] (387) 402-1910
177 Bradford Barton 01703 Adan Skyway New Furman Costa Rica [email protected] (986) 461-1718 x141
178 Ellie Sipes 93476 Sylvia Falls Kobyburgh France [email protected] 1-893-473-3675 x3496
179 Roman Casper 43289 Bins Forest Bergstromborough Guadeloupe [email protected] (410) 636-9165
180 Bennie Larson 68314 Bruen Square Lake Edwin Yemen [email protected] 1-566-881-7254 x55753