This example shows how the tag helper can be used to create a list of items with paging using HTMX for SPA-like behaviour.
Id | Name | Address | City | Country | Phone | |
161 | General Ritchie | 880 Orn Pike | East Markusburgh | Norfolk Island | [email protected] | 822-458-7893 |
162 | Calista Bernhard | 5937 Swift Haven | Roweville | Luxembourg | [email protected] | (792) 300-1198 |
163 | Lizzie Nicolas | 71862 Jennie Alley | South Bernardo | Nigeria | [email protected] | 368.942.9874 |
164 | Yoshiko Fahey | 9728 Romaguera Valleys | East Devonte | Germany | [email protected] | 486-660-4314 x770 |
165 | Arnold Hammes | 2014 Nelda Bypass | Lake Eddiefurt | Dominican Republic | [email protected] | 1-588-700-4403 x560 |
166 | Katelynn Lockman | 6768 Carter Tunnel | Watersberg | Israel | [email protected] | 1-241-280-0849 |
167 | Holly Torphy | 2440 Karley Pine | Teresahaven | Uruguay | [email protected] | 1-878-445-2217 x4872 |
168 | Isabelle Breitenberg | 101 Cecil Drive | North Terrellfurt | Cape Verde | [email protected] | 778.615.5047 |
169 | Alex Witting | 9129 Brendon Viaduct | Henriettemouth | Bermuda | [email protected] | 550.571.2511 x3710 |
170 | Devan Cremin | 884 Mann Lock | North Hazle | Guadeloupe | [email protected] | (390) 265-2325 x09626 |