
This example shows how the tag helper can be used to create a list of items with paging using HTMX for SPA-like behaviour.

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Page 16 of 26 (Total items: 256)
Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
151 Norene Schumm 3200 Hackett Fork East Tiffanyville Egypt [email protected] 235.559.6772
152 Lucio Nienow 9770 Ratke Course Lake Catalina Tonga [email protected] 247.768.0899
153 Delphine Hackett 218 Brock Stream Kiaraside Burkina Faso [email protected] 705.688.8205 x86727
154 Estevan Grant 918 Madonna Fords Isobeltown French Guiana [email protected] 394.929.4787 x05812
155 Isabell Kuhlman 357 Sanford Light Kutchland Burkina Faso [email protected] 638-621-4314 x88331
156 Ryley Daniel 2906 Abigayle Port Lake Chase Canada [email protected] (781) 920-6985 x7636
157 Elissa Dickinson 99741 O'Hara Ranch Mozelleside Oman [email protected] 672-521-8245 x7532
158 Clementine Friesen 21648 Twila Summit Maxieberg Japan [email protected] (623) 775-2596
159 Edward Senger 049 Haley River Geovannytown Ethiopia [email protected] 930-341-5485 x2812
160 Quincy Romaguera 333 Angus Via North Fabian Papua New Guinea [email protected] 1-486-344-0677 x13663