
This example shows how the tag helper can be used to create a list of items with paging using HTMX for SPA-like behaviour.

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Page 15 of 26 (Total items: 256)
Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
141 Bud Johnston 21365 Littel Turnpike Mercedeshaven Guam [email protected] 934.774.9769
142 Muriel Boehm 06080 Wendy Well Paucekport Slovakia (Slovak Republic) [email protected] 428.901.9217 x6721
143 Donato Larkin 8413 Monique Prairie South Stefanshire Luxembourg [email protected] (693) 446-0242
144 Magali Altenwerth 981 Emmalee Island Danykaview Argentina [email protected] (320) 916-4972 x361
145 Christine Block 391 Roob Springs Adeliafort Greece [email protected] (704) 480-3598 x597
146 Danny Olson 853 Bartell Course West Gilbertport Egypt [email protected] (257) 383-2243 x014
147 Michelle Stamm 485 Ernest Locks Lake Ivaside Mauritius [email protected] (818) 427-4733 x46182
148 Judah Breitenberg 709 Brando Spurs Olsonstad Reunion [email protected] 792.386.8308
149 Pauline Wunsch 66088 Karson Fort O'Reillyborough Sao Tome and Principe [email protected] (748) 982-2166 x6521
150 Lily Jaskolski 9902 Clifford Flats Lake Arnoldohaven Mozambique [email protected] 1-971-239-4458 x248