
This example shows how the tag helper can be used to create a list of items with paging using HTMX for SPA-like behaviour.

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Page 14 of 26 (Total items: 256)
Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
131 Adam Glover 3536 Dandre Isle Salvatorefort Western Sahara [email protected] (508) 640-3822
132 Stuart Sipes 849 Lubowitz Forge East Chelsiehaven Antigua and Barbuda [email protected] 1-748-451-2793
133 Carmelo Weber 748 Rowe Course Smithamfort Guinea [email protected] 557-766-6594 x883
134 Talia Spinka 951 Zulauf Highway Jarodberg Zimbabwe [email protected] 593-659-9704
135 Arnaldo Streich 112 Maryjane Skyway Satterfieldview Singapore [email protected] 707.256.0968 x268
136 Meaghan Moore 033 Fred Haven Lake Oralhaven Bolivia [email protected] 310-434-0181
137 Wilma Schmeler 2802 Perry Crossroad North Alanisstad Cambodia [email protected] 941-286-0461 x636
138 Vivian McCullough 23417 Dickens Dam West Demarioton Taiwan [email protected] 318.261.1074 x8594
139 Maximillia Bailey 41719 Hahn Rue Port Karelle Solomon Islands [email protected] (288) 583-0239 x26600
140 Dessie Thompson 628 Eleanora Harbor Port Nestor Gambia [email protected] 1-696-523-4787 x3227