
This example shows how the tag helper can be used to create a list of items with paging using HTMX for SPA-like behaviour.

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Page 13 of 26 (Total items: 256)
Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
121 Euna O'Connell 1586 Zoie Cliffs East Dillon South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands [email protected] 569-434-1261 x735
122 Vanessa Kuhlman 857 Bednar Vista Lloydside United States of America [email protected] 1-715-648-9664 x44709
123 Edwardo Kertzmann 562 Williamson Gardens East Breanne Afghanistan [email protected] 674.780.3169
124 Florence Schoen 218 Klocko Points New Darian Belize [email protected] 877-214-1553 x82317
125 Eldora Ortiz 90911 Boyle Underpass Blandamouth Switzerland [email protected] 334-923-8281
126 Neha Williamson 023 Urban Rapid Durganborough Russian Federation [email protected] 212.905.1816 x682
127 Brittany Pollich 788 Schiller Avenue New Quinnton South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands [email protected] 338.290.9018
128 Aditya Champlin 91424 Ratke Forest Port Aniyahaven Isle of Man [email protected] (512) 571-6746
129 Chanel Hills 3151 Jacobson Terrace Port Mellie Saint Barthelemy [email protected] 362.765.7730 x94510
130 Daija Christiansen 3058 MacGyver Brooks Port Christiana Croatia [email protected] 1-342-758-7706