
This example shows how the tag helper can be used to create a list of items with paging using HTMX for SPA-like behaviour.

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Page 13 of 26 (Total items: 256)
Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
121 Kaycee Gusikowski 28945 Pearlie Mall Danieltown Bhutan [email protected] 1-839-587-6118 x240
122 Joseph Fay 8809 Koss Falls Lake Louisashire United Arab Emirates [email protected] 405-972-3291
123 Kadin Hammes 458 Kuhlman Keys Nicolasbury Sri Lanka [email protected] 343-599-0873
124 Cletus Sporer 76484 Lueilwitz Expressway Alizaview Tuvalu [email protected] (986) 542-8793 x131
125 Jeanie Ernser 5391 Schinner Roads South D'angelo Fiji [email protected] (728) 723-2696 x945
126 Ilene Macejkovic 02354 Kutch Skyway Toybury Spain [email protected] 692.425.9068 x08157
127 John Torp 608 Dorothea Passage New Montana Honduras [email protected] 1-338-526-4471
128 Llewellyn Cole 09892 Jerrell Square Port Mortonfort Liechtenstein [email protected] 1-764-310-2410 x5278
129 Eve Runte 8545 Bechtelar Street West Ilaborough Saint Pierre and Miquelon [email protected] 932-378-2486 x50636
130 Kaela Orn 479 Upton Ridge Emardtown Tajikistan [email protected] (531) 788-3115 x002