
This example shows how the tag helper can be used to create a list of items with paging using HTMX for SPA-like behaviour.

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Page 11 of 26 (Total items: 256)
Id Name Address City Country Email Phone
101 John Conroy 132 Grant Gardens Parkerside Guinea-Bissau [email protected] (838) 638-9790
102 Janelle Predovic 04012 Stamm Manor Barrowsland Isle of Man [email protected] 482-792-7164 x56598
103 Sandrine O'Kon 70490 Treutel Mission South Antwanfurt Palestinian Territory [email protected] 1-380-400-7248 x3402
104 Reilly Rolfson 3756 Diego Court Torphyfort United States Minor Outlying Islands [email protected] 1-517-771-2454
105 Isabell Okuneva 896 Magdalen Spur Edwinton Congo [email protected] (250) 607-2071 x05067
106 Treva Donnelly 3882 Abshire Port Legrosberg Philippines [email protected] 1-406-962-6434 x15623
107 Cecil Konopelski 7770 Hagenes Ranch East Tayafort Congo [email protected] 324.791.1171
108 Johnnie Lowe 975 Wilford Plain Darrinhaven Saint Barthelemy [email protected] 1-981-339-7419 x222
109 Emil Sanford 6928 Jane Flat Vonland Morocco [email protected] 1-369-599-3585 x30367
110 Bret Durgan 2588 Luettgen Crossroad Port Ruthchester Finland [email protected] (798) 573-8246 x5994